PluralKit (Jul 2018 - present)

  • A Discord bot designed for plural communities, allowing you to register system and member profiles, set up message triggers relayed by webhook-based psuedo-accounts, log switches, and more.
  • Written in C# using DSharpPlus, uses PostgreSQL for data storage of now hundreds of millions of messages, and handles several hundred events per second during peak hours.

Chronicler (Oct 2020 - present)

  • A data storage backend for Blaseball data, scraping and tracking game state and site updates in real-time
  • Exposes a REST API to query the full history of each object for integration with other tools and services

Reblase (Sep 2020 - present)

  • A browser-based viewer for historic blaseball game play-by-plays written in TypeScript with React
  • Uses Chronicler as the data backend to present game logs, player updates, and game events in a user-friendly format (Apr 2017 - Jul 2017)

  • A collaborative online pixel canvas where users can paint on a shared online image.
  • Written in Java using the Undertow web framework, uses WebSockets for client-server communication peaking at 25,000 concurrent connections.